FIP ROESELARE BELGIUM 27 NOV - 1 DEC 2024 LOCATION: TP RUMBEKE WERVIKHOVESTRAAT 7A 8800 ROESELARE INFO PLACE TO BE TP Rumbeke Wervikhovestraat 7A 8800 Roeselare EXTRA INFORMATION THIS EVENT IS FREE The top world male players join our tournament to win the trophee Shop in our TP-STORE at the club The courts are inside There will be a large live-stream to watch the games in our inside playerscorner Foods and drinks available in our inside playerscorner LINK TO LIVESTREAM GENERAL PROGRAM 25 NOV MON Padel FIP Indoor Cup (CLOSED) 26 NOV TUES Padel FIP Indoor Cup (CLOSED) 27 NOV WED Qualys 1/16 finals starting from 16h CLICK HERE FOR ORDER OF PLAY 28 NOV THU Qualys 1/8 finals starting from 13h Qualys 1/4 finals starting from 18h CLICK HERE FOR ORDER OF PLAY 29 NOV FRI Main Draw 1/16 finals starting from 13h CLICK HERE FOR ORDER OF PLAY Starting from 16h: FIP - AFTER WORK 30 NOV SAT Main Draw 1/8 finals starting from 11h Main Draw 1/4 finals starting not before 16h CLICK HERE FOR ORDER OF PLAY Starting from 14h: FIP - KIDS-AFTERNOON 1 DEC SUN Main Draw 1/2 final at 10h CLICK HERE FOR ORDER OF PLAY Main Draw 1/2 final at 11h30 MAIN DRAW FINAL AT 16H PLAYERS CORNER MALE STARS Registration open: OverviewPlayers List: Here you can find an overview of all playersPlayers Map (Information): More informationPlayers Draw: draw TIMETABLE DOWNLOAD THE TIMETABLE DOWNLOAD TIMETABLE 27/11 DOWNLOAD TIMETABLE 28/11 DOWNLOAD TIMETABLE 29/11 DOWNLOAD TIMETABLE 30/11 DOWNLOAD TIMETABLE 01/12 DOWNLOAD THE DRAWS MEDIA KRANTENARTIKEL FOCUS WTV SPONSORS SPONSORS CONTACT GET IN TOUCH TP RUMBEKE Wervikhovestraat 7A 8800 Roeselare +32 51 15 24 90 Name E-mail Subject Your message